Monday Night Staff Meeting Sketch #56

I'd like to highlight a few rare animals that are spotted on occasion at our staff meetings.

This fine fellow is an easy one to spot with its 7 iron-club back-end appendage. Each male is born with a felt saddle on his back that can soak up to 400 pounds of Miracle Whip each year. His favorite pencil lead is an HB, and sudden movements cause him to sing a cappella.

This fine specimen is easily recognizable with it's dual umbrella growths protruding out of her head and tail. The 3 bands around her neck make wonderful coasters if removed before midnight.

With the thick monobrow, 3 nostrils, and blue party streamers hanging from his wings, this wonderful creature is a rare treat. With a single sashay-like movement, he can dig a hole the size of the Grand Canyon.
