This is a...wait a minute... uhh... OH! This drawing was because... no... I think... Oh, I can't remember why I drew this. Here's a happy, bouncing bean.
Balancing yourself on one hand alleviates most forms of dry knee-cap syndrome (DKCS) which plagues most of Europe, Asia, and Wyoming.
However, getting a bear with a floating hat to balance on a chair only gives temporary relief. And the bear gets annoyed after a while.
And now presenting the first and only 2 letter forms for the new font entitled "Staff Meeting." It will sell for $300, and comes with every thing you see here! What a deal!
Balancing yourself on one hand alleviates most forms of dry knee-cap syndrome (DKCS) which plagues most of Europe, Asia, and Wyoming.
However, getting a bear with a floating hat to balance on a chair only gives temporary relief. And the bear gets annoyed after a while.
And now presenting the first and only 2 letter forms for the new font entitled "Staff Meeting." It will sell for $300, and comes with every thing you see here! What a deal!