Monday Night Staff Meeting Sketch #20

Most of the sketches tonight are so excited to be back in a Monday Night Staff Meeting Sketch post, that they are all celebrating in their own little ways.

This guy is so excited, he just can't hold back how "very important" he feels. Or, maybe his name is just Vip. And he likes to wear sandwich boards with his name on it.

Oh, and this big fella can't hold back, and is just waving that flag like there's no tomorrow! "Hooray!" he says, "M.N.S.M.S is back! And a big asteroid is going to slam into my house tomorrow!"

This guy was so thrilled that he went out and bought himself a new pair of ears. Now, that might be just a bit overboard, but I'm not going to stop him.

Not to end on a downer, but I happened to notice an elusive drawing-eating grass hump the other day in the back. I've warned all my sketches to stay clear of it, but a few of them just got too curious after work today. Let this be a lesson to all future M.N.S.M.S-es.
