His rates are through the roof.

Plucky: So, tell me about yourself...
Me: Well, I have this blog... and people come to it to see my drawings and vote in my polls and...
Plucky: And you really think these people...exist?
Me: Of course they do... I think. Huh. I guess I never considered...
Plucky: Maybe you don't even have a blog?
Me: ...Do you think I have a blog?
Plucky: Would it make a difference?
Me: Well, I guess not. So, what do you...
Plucky: I think you are a large, flippered mammal lost in the sea of life.
Me: Flippered mammal...?
Plucky: The ebb and flow of your environment is perpetuating... Oh, excuse me. I have a track meet in less than an hour. I'll see you again next week. Good day.
Me: But I still have... *slam!*
