Tips on how to blend in

With a little practice, you can learn to blend in with any environment or group. Adhere to the following rules.

  1. Never shout out the phrase, "I DON'T BELONG HERE!"
  2. If you do shout out the aforementioned phrase, grab the nearest pail, and stick it on your head.
  3. Don't run into walls with a pail on your head.
  4. Talk to yourself, and answer yourself.
  5. Blink your eyes as if you get $100 for each time you blink.
  6. If someone looks at you, raise your eyebrows and ask, "Do you like to say the word 'Galapagos?'"
  7. Yell 'Galapagos!' at least 150 times in 60 seconds with a Mesopotamian accent.
  8. Never stop, drop and roll, unless provoked.
  9. Don't lick the shoes of those around you.
  10. Put food in your armpit and say, "Mmmm, this one's tasty!"

If you follow these simple suggestions, you'll blend in with everybody else seamlessly. Good luck!
