We have some visitors

We have had some visitors this past week, the Mom and Dad from "I want Moe attention" comic. It was a pleasure. Although, I think the dad might have broke the remember machine...


Riley said…
Ha! Ha! I remember drawing this!

Check out the I Want Moe Attention version of this post!
Paula said…
Wow...Moe's Mom and Dad don't seem a bit surprised to be talking to a giant cluster of grapes. With udders. I think I'd be a little freaked out. Unless of course, I was thirsty for some grape juice.
Jeff said…
Riley: Nice job Riley! Look at all those links you added!

Paula: I have this...image...now...in my head...
Riley said…
Paula: They don't, do they? They're probably big fans of P.D.o.G.U.

Jeff: Mm-hmm. That post has the most links ever, with seven of them, not counting the link to the comments, the link to the labels of my post, and the links to the post itself.