Monday Night Staff Meeting Sketch #18

Whoa. M.N.S.M.S. is back. No way.


Handy Tip #167 - When you need to boost your reception on your safe, try using TV antennas. If you get them just right, and add tin foil, you may even pick up Canadian game shows.

Handy Tip #420 - Use a straw to get the last bit of Kool-aid from your fern. That way, all the leaves will stay out of your nose.

During our staff meeting, I noticed a spreadsheet monster on the second page. He kept nipping at my pen as I tried to write important, informative notes. Luckily, they like to eat copywriters, so I feed him ours to quell his appetite.

Golly, what else could I say about this one.

Since it has been a while since M.N.S.M.S have graced the pages of P.D.o.G.U., I thought it would be A.R.G.T. to H.A.T.S.a.S. Y.W.a.E.T.M. I.A.S.I.D.S.E.P. Anyway, let's all sing along!...
