Hold the corpse, please.

Time to look at another exquisite corpse I worked on. Here's what I was sent...

Hmmm... this one looks a bit tricky, but do-able. Now, when I start a new slice, I tend to soak my head in a vat of pickle juice until I know what to do. Then I start on the background to make sure it matches the slice I got. I noticed some bricks, and interesting patterns on the sides, so I tried to continue them.

I needed to continue a bit more from the slice. That big solid slab of color was getting under my skin.

Now to add stuff! Obviously, that yellow thing is a drill bit. So I found some drill bit images to use.

After some tweaks, we have a seamless drill bit integrated image. (Do you know how many times I've said that today? Like, twelve.)

I did a bit more browsing for images and... oh, look! A bunny!

Even though I didn't use all of them, I at least found a bunny picture I can color later.

Anyway, I used the lovely clip art image, and got rid of a few things, tweaked it, stuck my head back in the vat of pickle juice, added the LW and DE, and finished it up.

After a few weeks, the final result was posted. And here it is!...

Flaming hearts, bird-chomping dogs, technicolor animal pelts...another work of art. I liked how this one came out, and I thought everyone did a great job.
