Now where did I put my corpse?

So what do you do when you get a slice like this...


I was going to pass on it, but I figured I'd challenge myself instead and accept it. The biggest problem, besides the family of peacocks that had nested on my head, was trying to figure out that checkered pattern. So, I took the slice into Adobe Illustrator and worked it out. Then I gave it a little bit of a flare.

I brought it into Photoshop then, and duplicated the pattern. I added some layer effects and changed the blending modes, and it started to work. With all the squares, I thought of chess, so I added some of those pieces. And finally, I added Leonardo da Vinci, thinking he would have played chess a lot if he wasn't so busy drawing and creating stuff. Sheesh. Priorities, man. (Can you spot him?)

And, (drum roll please...) here is the final piece! Ta-daaaahhhhh!


Well, I guess they can't all be masterpieces, like Leo's stuff. I am proud to be apart of the first instance of actual documented whining in a corpse. Although, I would not have been happy either with exploding purple checkerboard sent my way. But, as always, it was all in the name of fun corpseing!
