I just saved another 10 dollars!

I thought I might as well add a sketch of another version of the creature from the last post. I must admit that I was hanging around Feng Zhu's website while I was developing these sketches. Some very cool stuff there.

I was going through my "Man-It-Would-Be-Cool-To-Be-A-Comic-Book-Artist" stage in my life. I happens every 6 to 8 months, then I try to draw something, I feel like I fail miserably, and realize that I would be better off without any hair and shave myself. I know it's quite a destructive cycle, but it does save on hair cut expenses.


Dan said…
I ask why are the greatest sketches always near the hole punches and or very edge of a paper?
Jeff said…
The answer is because I actually draw on swiss cheese. Since the slices are quite small in size, and with all those holes in each one, you see quite a few drawings near these cheese phenomenons.

(Sorry, I've just wanted to type "cheese phenomenons" now for the past week, and the opportunity finally presented itself.)