Monday Night Staff Meeting Sketch #6

Whoa! Look at the time! It's Monday Night kids! You know what that means, right?

I thought is was appropriate to draw a jug of moon shine, since we were talking nothing about moon shine in this staff meeting.

With the continuing shortages of mooses (or is that meeses? mices? moosi? moosadolabingbangbong?), I also thought it was appropriate to draw a skunk. However, it turned out to look more like a moose, which was probably better, given the aforementioned information.

Eeeeeevvvery once in a while, you might catch a glimpse of a slightly twisted side of me. And if you ever do, please adhere to the following steps...

1. Cover eyes with something soft and fluffy.
2. Begin singing a song from any Shirley Temple movie. (Preferably the "Animal Crackers" song, but it is to your discretion.)
3. Rock back and forth gently, while imagining warm, safe, happy places.

Truth be known, someone else said this during our meeting, and I just happened to draw it. So there.

Man, I hope he doesn't catch him. Burning bowling ball flambe.

Holy cow ankles in milk! What the heck is this crud!!!??? I apologize for such a blatant use of a drawn pencil and eraser. And...what is that...a piece of paper with some kind of layout on it??!?!? Oh for the love of Pete's Dragon!!!! I'm sorry. I better end this right now.


Dan said…
Drawing analysis: You were not at a meeting at all, you were drunk, passed out in a bowling alley, where you sold some used kids, while doing a nice layout for John Francis's class. Well done indeed!

But what about the moose.

Jeff said…
Hey, that would make an awesome t-shirt! Just a white t-shirt with the words "WHAT ABOUT THE MOOSE." on it. Sweet! I will send you half of the profits.

(Be prepared to see Mr. Uva wearing one soon. I feeling this is going to be a cultural phenominiononnonn. Yeah.)