Oh, good grief. Not another one.

Why do people take pictures of clouds? I mean, really. It's not like we've never seen one. In fact, we see them all the time! How hard is it to be outside and look up? You could even be indoors, look out a window and see them. I bet, if you went to Google right now, and did an image search for "clouds," you would find about a billion images of clouds. So what inspires some one to take yet another picture of something so common, so mundane, so utterly unimaginative. I'll tell you what...their own lack of originality! "Wow!" they say. "Look at that cloud. It looks just like...a...cloud!" Puh-leaze! Come on people! Stop wasting your digital media memory on this garbage!

By the way, look at the neat-o cloud picture I took.
