Monday Night Staff Meeting Sketch #2

Even though it was Memorial day today (Happy Memorial day, by the way), I have enough saved sketches to still post one this evening. Enjoy!

Okay, no "fast food" jokes here. I would like to know what they are running away from. Or, running to? Hmmmm.

I guess I had this idea that I could draw a bunch of objects along the bottom of our staff meeting handouts, and have each page display some little row of oddities. Here's page two; funny little eyeballs, poking out of the ground.

Drat! We must have sped through this page, since I was only able to draw 2 ghosts. So much for my master plan.

I must have recognized the inevitable failure to my scheme.

Nothing heals those wounds quite like a therapeutic drawing of ninja silhouettes. Ahhhhh......

More sketches to come next week, so don't go away!


Paula said…
Isn't it obvious what they are running from? The dish and the spoon, of course. They got so riled up after watching that darn cow showing off his lunar jumping that when they ran away they worked up quite an appetite.
Dan said…

are you saying you have the lost field notes of wild dianogasi? I would sure like to take a look at those holes! Much like the volcano holes I shot in Muai.
Jeff said…
Paula - But of course! Now, next question...Do spoons and dishes have mouths?

Dan - Only unconfirmed field notes. However, I do have rare footage of the famous wookie mariachi dancing grounds!