Hey kids, it's the Weekly Monday Night Staff Meeting Sketch!

Okay, we've decided here at P.D.o.G.U. to increase our blogs excitement level by introducing a new weekly post. It's called the Monday Night Staff Meeting Sketch! You see, at my work, we have an engaging staff meeting every Monday to help plan the week. Well, some of these meetings are sooo fascinating that I am compelled to draw. So each Monday night, you will get to see the fruits of these wonderful, meaningful, eventful, non-boring meetings. Oh, joy. Let's see what we have today, shall we?

Hmm, we must have been discussing webfooted, robotic, dogs with floating crowns at the time, and I had to sketch it out apparently. Boy, he sure seems pensive. Kinda like me in these meetings.

Ahhh, now isn't he just the cutest wildebeest! Look at that sharp little sailors suit he has on. Isn't he precious.

Here we have the business bug. I think went overboard with his glasses, thinking he would need 300 lenses for his 300 eyes.

Now that's an adorable boy. Well, you know how boys can be though...quite the rascals. Ha, ha, haaaaaa. Yep. I think he's due for an eyebrowhair-cut.

Well, that's it for this week! I've have a few weeks "back-up," so you may get some extra doodles next week. Until the next staff meeting...
